
食品百貨米通心粉湯類和穀物意大利麵食和湯-Annie Chun's, 碗麵Pad Thai 泰式炒粉中辣9.1盎司(258克)

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A Classic Thai Treat.

In Thai restaurants all across the country, Pad Thai is probably the most commonly ordered dish. If you've ever attempted to make this complex sweet and tangy sauce, you may have found that it can yield a variety of results as its exotic ingredients can be a bit difficult to find in your average grocery store. Why not save the time and effort in hunting for ingredients and sit back and enjoy our Pad Thai Noodle Bowl. We've recreated this classic dish by combining fresh cooked Hokkien noodles with our restaurant-quality Pad Thai sauce steeped in tamarind and lime, sautéed onions, and shallots. This way, you can take your time to slurp your noodles and enjoy.

Our Mission髮旺旺

We're dedicated to simplif髮旺旺ying Asian cooking with products that contain the highest quality, all-natural ingredients which allow you to re-create your restaurant favorites right at home.

Annie Chun's, 碗麵,Pad Thai 泰式炒粉,中辣,9.1盎司(258克)





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